Madò ce uà! - You really made a mess! - Rosa, born in 1933
Moooh ce ccule ca tìine! - How lucky! - Nicola, born in 1948
Iè d'assì matte! - I'm going out of my head! - Maria, born in 1931
Le corne ca tìine - The horns you have ! You're a naughty trickster! - Pasquale, born in 1946
Mò te ià abbettà l'ècchie ! - Now I'm gonna dot your eyes! - Vito, born in 1965
Auande a ccùsse! - Take and bring this! - Oronzo, born in 1957
Oh, e ce-iè la Latteria Prìngepe! - Oh, what have you got there? The entire Principe Dairy produce! - Francesco Paolo, born in 1966
Cazze acchecchiàte! - They're partners in crime! - Angela, born in 1930
Và-a rrubbe a Ssanda Necòle! - Go and steal from Saint Nicholas! - Marta, born in 1943
Mò te ià fà u cule acchesì! - And now I'll destroy your ass! - Vincenzo, born in 1944
N'ha ffritte de pulpe, la frùsckue! - She has been frying enough pulps! - Nunzia, born in 1958
Te sì pegghiàte tutte u vrazze! - You fed the cat, and it came back! - Giovanni, born in 1938
BBèlle bbèlle! - Don't rush, go slowly! - Carlo, born in 1967
N-ganna n-ganne! - At the very last minute, just in time! - Michele, born in 1948
Cazze acchecchiàte! - They're partners in crime! - Pietro, born in 1936
Ce ssì dditte? - What did you say? I didn't understand! - Mario, born in 1931
Sì assute sscème? - Have you gone mad ? Are you out of your mind? - Onofrio, born in 1930
O ffriscke! - He's in prison! - Gianbattista, born in 1965
BBèlle bbèlle! - Don't rush, go slowly! - Angelina, born in 1921
BBèlle bbèlle! - Don't rush, go slowly! - Gaetana, born in 1948
Iè mmuèrte! - He's dead! - Peppino, born in 1937
Statte citte! - Shut up! - Francesco, born in 1952
La cape aggire! - I've so much troubles! - Felice, born in 1950
Ehhh da mò vaaaa! - It's been going for so long! - Maria, born in 1931
Và-a rrubbe a Ssanda Necòle! - Go and steal from Saint Nicholas! - Caterina, born in 1928
Nu capelavòre! - A masterpiece! - Domenico, born in 1953
Facce de trè de mazze! - You have the face like the
Tu la sà longhe! - You've got all of the answers! - Giovanni, born in 1938
Recottàre - You're a pimp! - Nardino, born in 1957
Ha da ballà sop'a ccusse! - Swivel on this! - Carlo, born in 1960
Ce uè? - What on earth are you looking for? - Maria, born in 1931
Iè mmuèrte! - He's dead! - Lillo, born in 1968
Sì assute sscème? - Have you gone mad ?  - Nicola, born in 1945
Asatte - asatte! - Upstanding! A person of integrity! - Crescenza, born in 1944
Cudde iè nummere iùne! - He's/She's the number 1! - Rosa, born in 1933
Sì probbie du iùne! - You belong to the crew of the 1st! - Antonio, born in 1971
Tìine cacazze! - You are about to defecate in your pants, are you scared? - Michele, born in 1941
Iè nu dritte!  - He's artful, he's sly! - Pietro, born in 1936
Mò te ià fà u cule acchesì! - And now I'll destroy your ass! - Mario, born in 1931
Auande a ccùsse! - Take and bring this! - Oronzo, born in 1957
Si nu quaquè! Si nu càrghe a cchiàcchiere! - You're a charlatan! A mountebank! - Sebastiano, born in 1943
Salùdeme a ssorde! - Greetings to your sister! - Matteo, born in 1939
Si nu quaquè! Si nu càrghe a cchiàcchiere! - You're a charlatan! A mountebank!  - Lillo, born in 1968
A umma - a umme! - Like a thief in the night, in hiding! - Mario, born in 1931
Iè mmuèrte! - He's dead! - Giacinto, born in 1936
Iàbbre l'ècchie - Beware! - Gianbattista, born in 1965
Moooh ! - Damn! - Giuseppe, born in 1959
Pedecchiùse! Strìitte de cule! - Lousy and stingy ! With a tight ass! - Felice, born in 1950